Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Defend of the ancients DOTA

huh.. what.. currently listening to this DOTA song by BASSHUNTER (PEMBURU BASS) hahaha...
entahlah.. what are the relate bout this little creep song and the title of m,y enty..
ya hamponn!!!

think im addiucted to this song lah..;

hahah... kuasa lagu katakan.. 1st imprees of this song..

BTW, 4get bout that song.. actually , my today events was like a normal usiual day excpet that CIBAI scenes wat happen on my previous entry..

Dont wanna talk bout bout that much..

anyway,m tdai masa balik.. saw naiem.. (previously my best friend on SMKAA lah..)
ntahlah.. idont know why does on earth this happen..

Thinking like he is running way from me..

tukar no phone tak bagitau..

call adik dia berulang kali (old number) but..
no reply nor sms..

entahlah. maybe he was feeling ashamed of being a friend like me..

lainlah dia.. dapat masok maktab watever bagai..


oh god, this is fucking idiot..

well,, takpalah.. redha ajerlah..

hoh! bout thet.. jumpo dia..

dari jauh lah.. went out through out my workplace..

aku ushar dia..
nampak juga macam dia usyar aku...

aku lihat reaksi wajah dia...
tak ada sebarang perubahan..

so, aku pon,, cepat2 tutup visor aku dan cabut dengan lajunya membawa motor Fx aku dengan hati dan perasaan yang laranya...


Lets the tyme determine it..

tak nak kata apa..

finally , he found what he wants and got..



Let me choose what would be happen to mee someday..

i dont know..

i'm just planned.. but GOD determine it...

May GOD willing..

chow dulu as for today..

a 2 tragedy for today..

Slutty day...

ok.. da~~

maybe aku takkan berjaya kan??

tengok gaya penulisan aku pon dah atau kata aku nih memang BENGAP!!

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