bukan apa..
* currently listening to Gaga song-monster...
very der catchy yaamat..
anyway, bayak aku nak tulis hari ni..
aku banyak lupa.. idea cepat kering...
tulah.. lainkali kena on the spot tulis entry.. 24 hours katanya..
okayh.. schedule hari nih..
like usual.. tak banyak sangat kerja..
Btw, i found someone today at the shop..
he was.. my english teacher... long time no see huh.?
but , entahlah.. i ran away from him..
avoided him..
hopefully he did'nt see me.. hahah..
oklah.. jahatnya aku nihkan..
padahal kebelakangan nih dok seru nama dia..
tah.. tetiba muncul tanpa diduga..
jadi ker mantera aku nih?
okayh.. motif aku lariki daripada dia bukannya apa..
i'm just ashamed of him..
nothings can be proud of me now..
im sorry sir..
i have to do it...
keep going on..
just now just captured the name translator from facebook aaps...
nor i can believed it or not??
here another one...
should i believed it??
it makes me blush..
Btw, thanks for the morally support...
made my life even precious..
Oh ya.. dengar kata hari nih gaji..
others dah dapat..
tinggal aku jer tak dapat..
may b boss not have much tyme to seek me sebab aku chow balik awal hari nih..
nanti dapatlah tuh..
dapat gaji awal2 pon bukan apa.. nanti boros ajer..
aku tak tau apa aku mengarots yerk..
bukan apa...
latter niyh just too much things happen to my life rapidly..
most of was a FUCKED life..
*** so, i dont noe what to babbling about much...
kayh.. chiow..
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