Napa erk? today shuld b my own tyme to be spending.. but?
why? still dissapointed and dissatisfied..
oh GOD..
may b im tired of Working situatiuon now..
yah.. my heart to CPL has bitter..
has losing my interst there..
but? if did'nt work.?
what do i gonna do?
maybe because i dont have a good tyme to be spending for myself..
what did i do taoday..
Sleep.. woke up by mum at 10.40 to accopany her to the "NAT" behor lateh..while she doesnt noe how to rides and lazy to drive then she asked me for my favour..
then.. i pon bangunlah dengan hati yang lara.. owh..
malasnaya nak bangun hari ni..
so.. afta mandi and cleaning my faces so, apa lagi we going there lah..
haoliaow.! what a HOT weather daa..
it keep me sweating lah..
so.. beli yang tuh.. ikan lah.. kailan lah..
ayam lah..
then balik lah ke rumah..
lencun badan aku dengan peluh..
afta that.. watching melodi at tv3 wif mum..
then afta that.. aku rushing masuk bilik.. buka laptop.. then nonton movies Transporter 2.. bestlah..
packed and full with action..
then lepas nonton movies..
aku mengarut2...
main facebookj segala bagai..
tup tap dah pon pukul 6.10 ptg..
oh no! bosannya dlam rumah..
then keluarlah..
hajat di hati nun kot2 lah amer ada kat umah..
bolehlah jadik teman menyembang..
non hadonya..
keluar kemana ntah..
then .. the LOvely baby Anisa keuar dari rumah..
aku pon tyeruslah kidnapped si budak tuh..
she is da lovely Anisa Tasnim..
then aku bawak budak montel ni jejalan dekat lorong taman aku nih..
then .. bored?
start my bikes then ride her up to go to Taman Bukit Kayangan yang baru..
alkisahnyer.. yang hado taman2tuh.. for the childs..
she getting excited when gettin' there..
wah.. teruslah.. bawak dia main-main buaian.
jongkang jogket..
soronoknya taking care of her..
athough dats she didn words anythings..
what a shy child. hahah.. but aggresive..
suka sanagt sebab dia montel macam aku..
then afta that..
kul 7 lebeyh aku balik lah..
dah pon maghrib sent her to her mom and aku masuk rumah..
mandi segala bagai..
then makan..
* mum cooks a lots today..
then.. aku keluar..
k.cik ila just inform me.. not just lah.. almost week hahah...
thier computer cannot on..\\last2 bila dah sampai diorang inform dah boleh buka dah..
lembab gila.. last2 dapat detect kata virus sebab task manager dah disable.
dahlah baru ja aku format computer tuh..
letih2.. still leh guna..
takpalah nnt bila dah serious aku kata just called me..
sambil2 tuh kak cik treats me with laksa.
uhmm.. with warm coffee..
k lah.. sambil2 lak menonton cerita malaikat maut..
best2... dah penah tengok ceriat tuh dulu..
then.. oklah.. esp part2 last tuh yang masa que haidar part tuh..
naik seram dan sebak lak bila talkin dibacakan..
i admit that i was turns wrongly..
so.. afta thjat kul; 10.30. haku pon teruslah minta diri.. nak balik..
balik2 rumah.. terus lipat baju..
then i did notice that has an oil stain on my yellow ilp shirt,..
oh no..
teruslah ask mum for her tip.,
she said use the margerine..
try it and it was awsome..
the stains gone..
senang ja upanya..
then.. masuk bilik..
then tulis entry nih..
b4 dats bca dulu blog kengkawan aku dulu..
and managing cafe world on facebook..
sat ja masa yer berlalu.
dan cuti aku nih tetap tak puas..
macam tak da masa ntok diri sendirik..
hati nih malas sangat nak pergi kerja sok..
apa la...
teruknya aku ni..
k lah..
** ada lah orang tuh dok sebuk propa pasal rumah baru dia la.. pasal anak dia lah yang study sini sana.. ishk! tak sangak kuat juga ya propahan orang tua ni..
hahah.. sapa dia??
adalah jiran aku yang sorang nih..
k lah.. bye..
love yu anisa,..
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