aku sendirik pon tak tahu persoalan itu??
oh.. apa dia nih ya aku menagrut.. ?
so,, hari nih hari jumaat.. Kerja aku macam biasalah..
just aku cuma rasa macam tak bestlak kerja kat situ..
entahlah.. maybe my spirit and interested was fade away lah.. dunnow why?
rasa malas sangat nak kerja kat situ..
kenapa yah>???
mungkin that i was too overthinking bout that..??
about everybody perception towards me..
Yalah.. Bout Boss perception lah.. bout masalah kerja lah..
mungkin juga sebab aku bersedih kots sebab kawan2 aku.. yalah.. we had to do the perpisahan by the fast way..
not good as we not gathered together..
less acivity due to the lack of time and management...
tu ja nak mengomong hari nih..
ttg kerja lak aku macxam bisalaha.. cuma susuahlah....
yalah.. nowadays , i just feel like hard to get woke up.. may be because of no courages to go to work anymore..
i don know why this happen.. everimes i woke up then i feel like want to continued in just 5 minutes more.. then and more..
until late..
* just too worry bout my punchcard..
red highlight jer memanjang..
so,, bangun pagi tadik aku.. teruslah tak sempat srapan.. still kategori tak lewat.. yelah..
lepas2 tuh terus gi kerja membawa printer yang diamanahkan oleh cik ros untuk ditambah ink tank.. hoho.. susah jugaklah aku nak kena bwak yalah naik bikes..
denda tuh dahlah gedabak..
bawak jugalah..
then sampai tempat kerja.. merapu jap.. then kul 12.40.. aku check out.. yerlah.. nak kena pergi ke jumaat.. Kononyea lah..
then balik2.. teruslah mebuka website 8tv.. contnued watching blogger boy..
but sucks due of having a slow connection..
then .. after jumaat prayer.. mencekik nasik..
then perggi balik ke tempat kerja..
oh.. terasa malas sangat diri nak ke kerja..
then.. sambung buat kerja2..
spamai kul 7.45 malam.. aku turun.. nak melihat printer yang diamanahkan tuh.. sama ada telah siap dibuat oleh technician printer..
unfortunately.. not done yet.. but its graet..
i can learn and see how did they do it..
yaeh installing the CISS system..
oh.. so easy lah.. just need a tool like drill lah..
then afta negotiate the price with Boss..
** sorry.. The price is secret.. that was my boss said to me.. never let other know it.
aku pon teruslah mengusung printer yang nalla tuh naik ke motor.. but this tyme more stable since i noe how to ride a bike with carrrying that priter..
teruslag balik.. mandi dan makan malam.. terus menerpa ke rumah ci ros.. Before going there.. tell mum bout the actual price.. then i said im not taking the granted as upah.. but.. mum seems has a bussines brain.. its not wrong to take the little bit of money as for my job af carrying and handle this case for them..
oh no!
teruslah otak aku ditune secara automatik..
bukan menipu but its bussiness..
at least ambik sikitr upah lah..
yalah.. harga yang aku negotiate tuh harga staff..
if ill take a lil bit of that.. i'ts still the loewest aka the cheperst price on merket of installing the ink tank..
so,, yalah..
pergi ke rumah dirang ang bagi briefing and peneragang sedikit sebanyak. then terus balik..
-carik-carik cerita.. tersulah terjumpa filem Gaduh..
yalah.. malaysian film..
overall.. im kinda surprised and touching of that thoughntess and a deep meaning based on that story..
kena batang hidung sendirik..
memang betslah esp part akhir tuh when the Ministry malu diperlekehkan oleh budak2 tuh..
Its a fact lah..
janaglah malu.. beranilah terima kenyataan.
so. afta wathcing that movies..
teruslah aku mengarang kat sini..
so.. klah..
nak tidur.
** sok kenduri si kakah aishah.. aku lak kerja.. haruslah pandai nak keluar besok lunch pergi kennduri tapi hajat di hati nak lepak lelama lah..
macam mana ya nak selesaikan..??
*** dah pon seminggu berlalu PC fair.. lega sangat.. tapi still rasa macam baru lagik pc fair habis pasal letih masa pc fair tak habes2 lagik..
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